
Hey, it’s Bruce from SPM

Almost everyone says they want to own a business.

But the real challenge is showing up every single day without anyone telling you what to do.

Distractions are everywhere, and growth of the business can be painfully slow. Staying motivated when progress is slow is tough. It’s hard. It’s lonely. It’s relentless.

The key is to stay consistent and to keep pushing forward.

Growth doesn’t come from big leaps; it comes from the daily, relentless pursuit of your goals.

Who reading this owns their own business? Hot reply and let me know.


From SPM:

The SPM Show

Gio went from the corporate world to the pizza world. Leaving a good paying job to pursue his pizza dream. We talk all about it on this episode.

The video is about a pizzeria called Garlic Breath Pizza. The owner, Justin, wanted to focus on making a small menu of high-quality pizzas.

Meme of the Week


💰 Slice turns low-value phone and walk-in orders into high-value digital orders.  

Thank you to the following for your support. Please check support the companies that support SPM.

Cheese Hog: The best cheese shredder on the market

MailShark: For direct mail needs.

Restaurant Systems Pro: Restaurant Owners: Run your independent restaurant like a franchise/chain without paying a 7% monthly royalty.

Stanislaus: For great tomato products.

Fiero Group: So much more than just ovens, but also great ovens.

Mike’s Hot Honey: Request a sample and try it out.

Bacio Cheese: My go-to cheese for all my pizza-making nights.

Boostly: Texting with no monthly fees and no contract, just results.

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